Sunday worship is the focal point of our life together. Everyone is welcome! We sing a wide range of songs and hymns drawing on the best of old and new. Each service includes the reading of Scripture and prayer. At the heart of our worship together is the preaching of God’s Word, equipping us to live out our faith in the rest of the week.

Our services are held at 10.30am on Sundays, they are generally informal and visitors are always welcome.
Refreshments are served afterwards following most morning services, and all are welcome to stay.
We celebrate the Lord’s Supper once each month, usually on the first Sunday morning. All who love the Lord Jesus and are seeking to follow him in their daily living are welcome to share the bread and wine.
A programme runs for babies, children & young people on Sunday mornings, although all are welcome to stay in the service and every effort is made to include all.
An induction loop is in operation during all services. Please set your hearing equipment to the “T” setting.
For more details concerning our Sunday Services, please contact our Administrator at or telephone on 01787 881910.