
Donate to the work and running costs of Sudbury Baptist Church

Would you like to make a donation to the work of Sudbury Baptist Church? If so then please click on the donate button above.
Every donation will help enable us to help those in the community, this will go towards our work with Renew Wellbeing, Toddler Groups, Messy Church and the many other forms of outreach that we do.
These donations will also help us with the daily running costs of the church.

You can also donate by Bank Transfer or by setting up a standing order.

Our details are:
Sudbury Baptist Church
Sort Code: 60-21-03
Account Number: 52686345

Please include your name in the reference or Anon if you do not want to be known.

If you would like to Gift Aid your donations please contact or

If you would like more information on how your donations would be used then please contact us.

Thank you.